Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tawhid: The Bedrock of Islam

Tawhid interest revolutionary concept of the United Nations and constitutes the essence of the teachings of Islam. This means that Quebec alone supreme master of the UN in the universe. He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and sustains the world and humanity.
Now, on Apr observer inexhaustible creativity of nature, determination SA, conservation de cette Who pronominal co EST useful destruction of what is harmful for social management, and "Do not draw the conclusion at the Que Behind, nature, it is omnipresent spirit of the UN have Incessant Processes of nature are NE Creative events in Quebec? The stars scattered through infinite space, great views of nature and beauty with charming son Who interest regularly and the Decline of the moon, harmony of the seasons Amazing - All points on the CES fait non: there is no God alone. Noûs flawless perfect Vivons IN UN plan universe - May it not be UN Planner? Nous A great beauty and harmony in their work of Let's charm, without ILS May be the creator of the UN? We are witnessing the wonderful design "IN NE nature exist without the designer May UN? UNO UNO non SENTON physical and human, but the higher the existence - of may be without a willingness to work late? see what interest us the universe as well unwritten book fascinating interest -? be of May without author "Verily, Allah says one:
O Mankind, Who You worship your Lord an Creese and those before you, safe place in Quebec You evil magician on the earth who has no place of rest for you, the sky roof of the UN, and Who to rain water Caused by heaven, producing fruits as food to them. Actually, "Do not put up a session Rivals When you know God better. (Surat 2:21-22)This hypothesis on the basis of which interest Mohammed Request règlements Humanity. This is the United Nations and said Metaphysics important to the riddle in the universe. She insists on the primacy of law throughout the cosmos of Unity and diversity Behind the Ubiquitous manifest. A common viewpoint on the world and the vision of non Offer Integrated Universe. A difference there Huge pay points to areas of fragment Scientists and philosophers forward and reveal the truth of the human eyes. After trial and error in the Darkness of Centuries, man Now interest to realize the truth of the EC concept, scientific thought and interest in movement in this modern sense.
Corn is not ONLY WHAT Metaphysics concept of the UN: It is a dynamic and doctrine of revolutionary ideology.Québec This means all men are creatures of UN God and Quebec therefore all memes. ANY discrimination on color BASED, class, race and interest Territory unfounded and illusory. Is it vestige of the UN's era of ignorance That men is one of slavery. Humanity EST a Family of God, and there May NOT HAVE No penalty CES obstacles. Men are the UN - and not bourgeois ou proletarians, Black or White Aryan Aryan ou non, ou Occidental Oriental. The Islamic Revolutionary Concept Gives UNO UN FOR oneness of humanity. East came to the Prophet to unite humanity on the parole of God, Who said:
Plastic wrap placed the rope are other routes ", we Allah and undivided No. Remember, the grace of God for you when you were enemies and He united a safe place in Quebec Your Hearts Their brothers, BECAUSE Sat Through Quebec. "(Quran 3:103) This concept defined aussi position of man in the universe true. He says God IS the Creator and the Sovereign, while man on earth deputy's son. A student of this man's position and Worthy of the noble representative of God on earth and life Give routes UN Objective principles: The will of God on earth pay Complete. This solves ALL problems Almost human society and order IdentiQuik New UN with fairness and justice, and peace and prosperity is.
The starting point for the interest of Islam belief in the oneness of Allah (tawhid).

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